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9 Best ways to improve Laptop Performance

9 Best ways to improve Laptop Performance

Does your laptop or computer perform slowly or sometimes hang? Don’t worry about it. In this article, you will get a proper and 100% working method to increase the speed of your laptop. I will share with you 9 settings that will help to improve your laptop’s performance. And please make sure you do all these 9 settings in your laptop only then you will see improvement in your laptop’s performance. No.1 Disable Startup programs Did you know, guys, that in your Windows system, there are lots of applications and software that start running in the background when you turn on your laptop or computer. So, think about it: if we turn off these applications and software that run automatically, this will definitely free up some space in our RAM. And if you get a little more space in your RAM, that means your laptop’s speed will increase. To disable startup softwares simply press on your keyboard (Ctrl + Alt + Delete) > Task Manager > Startup Now see guys, what are those applications that you do not use and that run automatically on startup. Simply right-click on that application and click on “Disable.” You have to do the same with all the applications that you do not use. No. 2 One Drive With OneDrive, you can save your files to the cloud and download them anytime. However, here’s the important part: when it syncs or if this feature is active on your laptop, it constantly sends data to the cloud. This can cause a load on your system and might slow down your laptop or computer. If you don’t want to use this feature, you can turn it off. Search one drive application on your system > click on settings > click on account > click on unlink No. 3 Disable Animation and Visual Graphics Well, guys, if I suggest degrading the animation and graphics of your system, think about how beneficial it could be. Of course, you will experience lower quality visuals, but your system will load faster, and because of the lower graphics, your laptop will run faster. To stop animations and visual effects, simply go to: – Control Panel – System – Advanced system settings – Advanced tab – Settings under the Performance section – Visual Effects tab (select “Custom”) – Uncheck all the animations and hit the Apply button, then the OK button. No. 4 Stop Windows Update Well, this is an important thing that you must do, in you operating system, you repeatedly get windows updates. And if you use your mobile data, this can also be a reason why your mobiles data finishes quickly. Repeatedly updating your system can also sometimes slow down your laptop. So, for this, you can disable your Windows Update option. Simply press the “Windows + R” keys and type “services.msc,” then hit OK. Scroll down and find “Windows Update,” then right-click on it and select “Properties.” Under the “Startup type” dropdown, select “Disabled,” then click Apply and OK. After doing this, restart your system. I suggest you update your system manually at least once a month for security purposes. No. 5 clean storage In your computer or laptop’s hard disk, there are lots of unwanted files, or we can call them temporary files. We do not use them, and they are actually useless. These temporary folders and files consume your laptop’s storage, causing your system to have full storage, which results in slower performance. To address this, you can use a trick to delete temporary files and folders automatically. For this, simply: – Click on the Windows icon and go to “Settings.” – Click on “System.” – Select the “Storage” option. – At the top, you will see an option to “Turn on Storage Sense.” Simply turn that on to free up space automatically. No. 6 Run Disk Cleanup Disk Cleanup is a very useful software that is already pre-installed in Microsoft Windows. With its help, you can actually remove unwanted or temporary files that are useless with just a single click. This frees up space, making your laptop perform faster. To use Disk Cleanup: – Press the Windows button and search for “Disk Cleanup.” – Click on it and select drive C. – Hit OK, then select the files you want to delete to free up space. – Click on “Clean up system files” and hit OK. No. 7 Delete unwanted softwares and applications Well, guys, there might be some software and applications installed on your system that you no longer use. In this case, please delete all of them by simply going to the Control Panel, clicking on “Uninstall a program,” selecting the software, and deleting it from your system. No.8 Free your C Drive There are lots of people who do hard disk partition but give less storage to the C drive. In this case, when you install software or applications, the C drive gradually gets full and eventually turns red. Make sure your C drive has plenty of free space. When it gets full, your system may hang. That’s why you should allocate more space to your C drive. No.9 Last one After doing all these things, if your laptop or computer still performs slowly, the last option is to hard reset your system. If your laptop works slowly, you can do a hard reset. To do that, create a partition and store all your data on one drive. Then, perform a hard reset on your system. This will remove any issues causing your system to hang or work slowly. After a hard reset, your laptop will perform like new.

100 Skills Examples For Freshers Resume (For All Jobs)

100 Skills Examples For Freshers Resume

These 100 skills are incredibly relevant for every job seeker starting out as a fresher. You can easily cherry-pick from this comprehensive list based on your preferences. There’s no need to look elsewhere; everything you need to know about skills is right here in this post. Free – Fresher Resume/CV Format – Download Now [50+ Free ] Modern CV Templates Word – Free Download

Best Answer for “Tell me about yourself” – Self Introduction

Best Answer for "Tell me about yourself" - Self Introduction

Q. Tell me about yourself ? Ans. Thank you for the opportunity to introduce myself. My name is Sahib Khan and I am a recent graduate who has excellent academic qualifications that are suited to this position. While I have no previous professional experience in this field, I have always been interested in this industry and am eager to learn and get my career off to a positive start. During my academic studies, I learned the importance of working to strict timescales, collaborating with other people to achieve an objective, and ensuring I demonstrated excellent attention to detail in all my work. I possess a natural aptitude for rapid learning, enabling me to excel in dynamic, high-speed environments. Furthermore, Outside of work, I like to stay fit and active, which helps me stay focused and energized. If I am chosen, I plan to build a long-term career with your company. I will do my best to quickly learn the company’s rules and procedures and become a reliable, productive, and valuable member of your team. Download Free – Resume/CV Templates 

40 Best Answers for Reason for Job Change In Interview

40 Best Answers for Reason for Job Change In Interview 24billions

In this blog post, we offer 40 exceptional responses to the common interview question: “What is your reason for job change?” We recognize the significance of effectively communicating your motivations, as it heavily impacts your chances of success. That’s why we have thoughtfully compiled a diverse selection of well-crafted answers that highlight professionalism, a growth-oriented mindset, and alignment with the prospective employer. By exploring these responses, you’ll gain valuable insights and strategies to confidently address the question of “reason for job change” during interviews. This will significantly increase your chances of impressing hiring managers and ultimately securing the job you desire. 1. Change in Location or Commute I’m exploring a job change due to a change in my location or commute. I believe that a shorter commute or being closer to my current residence will allow me to be more productive and committed to my work. I’m excited about the possibility of finding a new opportunity that aligns with my skills and is conveniently located. 2. Better Compensation and Benefits I’m seeking a job change to explore opportunities that offer better compensation and benefits. While I value the work I have done and the experiences gained in my current role, I believe it’s essential to align my skills and contributions with fair and competitive compensation packages that recognize my expertise and dedication. 3. Better Work-Life Balance I’m seeking a better work-life balance to prioritize my personal well-being and family commitments. I believe that a healthy balance between work and personal life ultimately leads to increased productivity and job satisfaction. I’m looking for a company that values work-life balance and offers flexible work arrangements or policies. 4. Professional Development Opportunities I’m driven by continuous learning and professional growth. I’m seeking new challenges and opportunities to develop my skills further. I’m looking for a company that invests in employee development programs, offers mentorship opportunities, and provides a clear path for career advancement. 5. Company Restructuring or Layoffs My current company is undergoing significant restructuring, which has created an uncertain and challenging work environment. As a result, I believe it’s the right time to explore new opportunities that provide stability and growth. I’m eager to contribute my skills and expertise to a company that offers a positive and supportive work culture. Free Resume/CV Templates – Download 6. Career Growth and Advancement This reason indicates a desire for professional development and progression within one’s career. It implies that the individual seeks opportunities for promotion, acquiring new skills, and taking on more responsibilities to enhance their professional journey and achieve their long-term goals. 7. Seeking New Challenges This reason reflects a need for intellectual stimulation and overcoming complacency. It suggests that the individual is looking for fresh and exciting experiences that push their boundaries, allow for continuous learning, and provide opportunities to tackle new projects or solve complex problems. 8. Pursuing a Passion or Interest I’ve decided to pursue a career change to align my professional path with my true passion and interests. I believe that pursuing work that I’m genuinely passionate about will not only enhance my job satisfaction but also drive my performance and commitment. I’m excited about the opportunity to bring my enthusiasm and dedication to a role that aligns with my passions. 9. Company Culture and Values This reason highlights the significance of a positive work environment that aligns with an individual’s personal beliefs and values. It implies that the person seeks a company with a supportive and inclusive culture, where their contributions are valued, and they can thrive in an environment that resonates with their principles and work ethics. 10. Seeking a More Stable or Secure Industry I’m considering a job change to transition into a more stable or secure industry. As I assess the future prospects of my current industry, I believe it’s prudent to proactively position myself in an industry that offers long-term stability and growth potential. I am excited about the opportunity to bring my skills and contribute to the success of a thriving industry. Download – Free Minimalist Resume Format 11. Lack of Growth Opportunities in Current Role I have reached a point in my current role where I feel I have maximized the available growth opportunities. While I value the experiences and skills I have acquired, I am seeking a new position that challenges me to further develop and expand my skill set. I am eager to join a company that emphasizes professional growth and provides a clear path for advancement. 12. Desire for a More Dynamic and Innovative Work Environment I am looking for a job change because I crave a more dynamic and innovative work environment. I thrive in settings where creativity and out-of-the-box thinking are encouraged. I believe that being part of a team that embraces innovation and offers opportunities to contribute fresh ideas will not only fuel my own growth but also positively impact the company’s success. 13. Need for a Change in Industry or Field After careful consideration, I have realized that my skills and interests are better suited for a different industry or field. I believe that making a transition will enable me to bring a fresh perspective, leverage my existing skills, and acquire new ones that are specifically relevant to the industry I am passionate about. I am excited to embark on this new journey and contribute my expertise to a new industry. 14. Company Size and Structure While I have enjoyed working for my current company, I am seeking a job change to explore opportunities in a different company size and structure. I believe that working in a larger organization will offer greater resources, cross-functional collaboration, and opportunities for career advancement. Alternatively, a smaller company may provide a more agile and entrepreneurial environment where I can have a broader impact and contribute to its growth. 15. Seeking a More Supportive and Collaborative Team One of the reasons I am considering a job change is my desire to work in a more supportive and collaborative team environment. … Read more